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Phredd visits KCB!

April 20th, 2021

LISA LANDIS~ Kids Cookie Breakers you are in for a special treat! Phredd joins us this Saturday for the 10 o’clock Theme Party. Listen for songs from his new project QUARANTINE TUNES releasing April 25, 2021 (which just so happens to be Phredd’s big birthday 😁 4 New Songs including “Popcorn Tree” and “Hummingbird & Chipmunk”. Many more Phredd favorites such as “The Coffee Song” and “My Mom is a Pirate” with that incomparable LIVE Ukulele One Man Band sound. 27 Phredderiffic Songs!!! Listen for the songs and chances to win the CD between 10 & 11am.

Cosmic Mike check in at 9:30 a.m. with details on what’s happening this week in the night sky.

Then YOU get to request your favorite song starting around 10:50am.

I hope you can join us this Saturday for KCB!

Love & Cookies,

Lisa Landis



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