KCB Saturday, March 28
LISA LANDIS~ Greetings Kids Cookie Breakers! I hope you can join us for another edition of KCB this Saturday morning 9-noon. So many of you are learning from home and coming up with all sorts of creative ways to stay active and connected. I hope to hear some of those ideas this weekend on KCB!
Cosmic Mike will check in again at 9:30am to update us on what is happening in the night sky. Here are some of the links that Cosmic Mike shared with us last weekend:
Exploring the Solar System: Mission to Space board game (2020)
Spot the International Space Station
International Space Station on UStream
Jesse Rothacker will join us live from the Reptile Room for the 10 O’Clock Theme Party. He will share more stories from the Forgotten Friend Reptile Room. He will also share ideas for projects we can do from home including his “Draw a Snake Contest”. Here is the link: Draw a Snake
I can’t wait to catch up with our friends and with YOU!
Stay healthy & WASH Your Hands! 🙂
Lisa Landis