Home > Lisa Landis, Staff Pages > KCB March 21, 2020

KCB March 21, 2020

March 21st, 2020

LISA LANDIS~ Greetings Kids Cookie Breakers. It’s FINALLY Saturday! It may have felt like a long week for many of you. So many of you now learning from home and coming up with all sorts of creative ways to stay active and connected. I hope to hear some of those ideas today on KCB! We also have many special interviews & guests to help us through this crazy time. Cosmic Mike is checking in to wish us a Happy Vernal Equinox! He will clue us in as to what to look for in the night sky this week.

PHREDD is our special musical guest for the 10 O’Clock Theme Party celebrating Spring! Listen to win his Cd’s and lots of fun with Phredd live!

Jesse Rothacker will check in live from the Reptile Room around 11:30. He will share stories from the Forgotten Friend Reptile Room.

Can’t wait to catch up with our friends and with YOU!

Stay healthy & WASH Your Hands 🙂

Lisa Landis



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