KCB Pop Up Party at Highland Presbyterian Special Needs Egg Hunt
LISA LANDIS~ Hi Kids Cookie Breakers. Spring has sprung and so has Winter Storm Toby! No matter what the weather brings Easter is just around the corner. We are celebrating the season this weekend with our special needs friends who signed up for the egg hunt at Highland Presbyterian Church Lancaster. A KCB Party is Popping up Saturday 9-noon in the fellowship hall at Highland Presbyterian Church. THE EGG HUNT IS NOW CLOSED. You had to pre-register. You can still stop by the KCB table featuring FREE goodies like Chick-fil-A cookies, games, giveaways and door prizes, plus live requests with chances to talk on the radio!
Highland Presbyterian Church is located at 500 East Roseville Road Lancaster, PA 17601.
I hope to see you Saturday!
Love & Cookies,
Lisa Landis