KCB Happenings March 17th
March 16th, 2018
LISA LANDIS~ Happy St. Patrick’s Day KCBers. Tomorrow’s 10 o’clock Theme Party celebrates with music! Listen for songs in the 9am hour to celebrate Spring (arriving this Tuesday). I have to leave early tomorrow so Miss Jenn will play your KCB song favorites from 11-noon.
CONGRATS to all of the kids competing tonight in the LNP Spelling Bee. Get more information at Lancastonline.com.
AND CONGRATS to all of you who made it to the North Museum Science and Engineering Fair at Spooky Nook Sports Complex March 21 4-6pm (public hours) 6:30pm awards ceremony.
I hope you can join us for tomorrows show!
Love & Cookies,
Lisa Landis