What you need to know about KCB episode March 10th
LISA LANDIS~Good Day Kids Cookie Breakers. Here is what you need to know for tomorrow’s show. From 9-10am we will mix up the songs to celebrate Pi Day (coming up 3/14/18) & Daylight Saving Time (this Sunday, March 11). Listen in for the KCB Scripture Memory Song of the Week and the weekly Birthday song (going out to everyone celebrating a birthday!), plus the Cookie Song of the Week!
The 10 o’clock Theme Party welcomes guests involved with The Tree House Lititz community playground project. Lititz Church of the Brethren has partnered with Play by Design to build a beautiful, custom-made playground for every single child in Lititz and the surrounding communities. The Tree House will be a place where children of all abilities will feel included, valued, heard, and able to play safely. A short walk from Lititz Springs Park and across the street from Warwick High School, the Tree House will be open from dawn until dusk every day of the year. Details on how you can be a part of the project AND we’ll play songs from a special CD compilation that is celebrating The Tree House project and helping to raise funds. Visit treehouselititz.com for more information.
At 11am guests will be joining us from The Lancaster Academy for the Performing Arts. They are gearing up for a production of The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe March 16 (7pm) & 17 (2pm & 7pm) at Lancaster First Assembly Church 1025 Columbia Ave. Lancaster, PA. Visit Lancasteracademy.com for tickets and more information. Admission is “pay what you will”.
YOU get to request the songs from 11-noon AND we will have chances for you to win all morning long.
Let’s meet by our radios Saturday morning at 9am.
Talk to you then!
Love & Cookies,
Lisa Landis