This weekend a visit from The Cookie Ladies
December 18th, 2018
LISA LANDIS~ Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Did you bake your Christmas cookies yet? I invite you to bake along with KCB this Saturday morning. The 10 o’clock Theme Party features cookie songs with a visit from Beth & Babs “The Cookie Ladies”. They will talk cookie baking and give you a chance to win homemade cookies!
We will give you chances to win other KCB goodies all morning long AND you get to request your favorite songs from 11-noon.
I hope you can join us Saturday morning!
Let’s meet by our radios at 9am.
Talk to you then!
Love & Cookies,
Lisa Landis
My son is so excited to hear Mrs. M (Beth, The Cookie Lady) on the radio this weekend. He told me all about it in the car yesterday and said we have to write in so that Mrs. M will say his name.
I have no idea if this is where I’m supposed to write to Mrs. M, but here goes nothing.
Hey, Cookie Lady, Saxby Larsen thinks you’re great and is excited to hear you.