Merry Christmas from KCB
LISA LANDIS~ Christmas is here again hip hip hooray! This year the last KCB radio show before Christmas falls on Christmas Eve morning. I hope you can take KCB with you where ever you go this Saturday morning for 3 hours of Christmas fun!
We celebrate Jesus’ birthday with The KCB Radio Christmas special featuring 3 hours of KCB Christmas songs, special bits & features, and so much more. We will also pull more homemade ornaments from the KCB studio tree and mail the ornament maker a prize. (it might be you 🙂
I invite you to check out the KCB calendar for upcoming special KCB Pop Up Parties coming in 2017. Don’t forget that the next KCB Roller Skating Party is Saturday, January 7 from 10-noon. Visit castlerollerskating.com for more information including admission & rental prices.
And tickets are still available for the National Watch & Clock Museum’s New Year’s Eve at Noon celebration December 31 from 10-1pm. Visit nawcc.org for more information.
Merry Christmas & Love & Cookies from KCB!