Home > Lisa Landis, Staff Pages > KCB Saturday, March 13th

KCB Saturday, March 13th

March 12th, 2021

LISA LANDIS~ Hi Kids Cookie Breakers! I hope you had a chance to get outside this past week and enjoy the warmer temperatures and sunshine. While it’s expected to be cooler next week, spring is just around the corner! It’s that time of the year when we catch up with Jesse Rothacker of Forgotten Friend Reptile Rescue and learn what is happening in the amphibian world. Jesse joins us live from the Reptile Room with chances to win Salamander Field Guides & Stickers by answering Amphibian Migration Trivia. Chances to win with Jesse at the 10 o’clock Theme Party.

We check in with Cosmic Mike at 9:30 a.m. to find out what is happening this week in the night sky.

You get to request your favorite song at 10:50 a.m.

We hope you can join us Saturday morning 9-noon!

Love & Cookies,

Lisa Landis



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