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Author JJ Landis visits KCB

March 4th, 2021

LISA LANDIS~Hi Kids Cookie Breakers. I am so very excited for this weekend’s show. First, we catch up with Cosmic Mike at 9:30 a.m. to find out what’s happening this week in the night sky.

Author JJ Landis is our very special guest for the 10 o’clock Theme Party. JJ is a librarian and educator in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where she lives with her husband and three kids, an occasional exchange student, the calmest dog in the world, and an irrational cat. She writes books for adults AND books for kids. JJ says, “I write books for kids and for adults, because I believe words have magical powers.” Check out her website jjlandis.com. She has two books available to download for free! I can’t wait for you to meet JJ Landis and give you chances to win her kids books.

YOU get to request your favorite song starting at 10:50 a.m. The KCB Request Hour is 11-Noon this weekend.

Let’s meet by our radios at 9 a.m.

Love & Cookies,

Lisa Landis



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