KCB “Radio Field Trip” to the Power Packs Project Warehouse
LISA LANDIS ~ KCB is excited about highlighting some of the wonderful non-profits who are working to bring hope and help to the kids in our community who don’t have some of the opportunities that we might have, or who don’t have access to basic needs like food, clothing and shelter.
This Saturday between 10-11am we take a KCB “Radio Field Trip” to the Power Packs Project Warehouse. Power Packs Project provides weekend food and nutritional information to families who are food insecure when the school’s lunch program is not available to them. Families are taught how to stretch their limited food dollars using the food provided by PPP. The goal of the program is to empower families to regularly provide healthy meals and that children return to school, well-fed and ready to learn. Power Packs provides long-term solutions to end childhood hunger.
Power Packs is currently working in 12 school districts in Lancaster County.
For more information visit powerpacksproject.org
Listen in for more information starting at 10am.
KCB Radio Field Trips are sponsored by Fig Lancaster.
EVERYONE can take a KCB RADIO FIELD TRIP by just turning on their radio to FM 90.3 WJTL Saturday morning at 10am.
Talk to you then and I hope you can join us!