KCB On-Air Celebration with Align Life Ministries May 8th
LISA LANDIS~ A special KCB On-Air Celebration is happening this weekend with Align Life Ministries! Listen in between 9 a.m.-12 noon to learn about the work of Align Life Ministries. Their grand celebration party here at The Junction Center this weekend (Saturday, May 8th) includes a free Kids’ Zone and Kids’ Stage (with Marian and Friends), food, fun, and games! For this who wish to participate in the “walk, run, plus” part virtually but would still like to attend the May 8th grand celebration event at The Junction Center in person, please come! All are welcome!
7:30am – On-site Registration Opens for Walk/Run
8:00am – Kids’ Zones Open (until noon)
9:00am – 5K Run / 1 Mile Walk Begins
10:00am – Ministry Highlights & Awards Ceremony and Celebration Party (until noon)
And be sure and stop by the KCB table outside for KCB goodies and Chick-fil-A Cookies (while supplies last)!
Cosmic Mike checks in at 9:30a.m. with details on what is happening this week in the night sky.
We celebrate MOM at the 10 o’clock Theme Party.
YOU get to request your favorite song starting at 10:45pm. (You can also request at the KCB table at the Align Life Ministries celebration.
Can’t wait till Saturday!
I’ll talk with you then!
Lisa Landis