KCB in the studio this weekend with special guests & chances to win
LISA LANDIS~ Happy Thanksgiving Kids Cookie Breakers! What are you thankful for this year? We have SO much to be thankful for. I’m thankful for a home to live in and food on the table. I’m thankful for my job and my family and too many things to mention here. I’m sure you also have so much to be thankful for.
I hope you can tune into KCB this Saturday morning, November 26 from 9-noon. KCB is back in the studio this weekend. That means EVERYONE has a chance to win prizes and request songs.
This weekend listen to win a family 4-pack of tickets to the New Years Eve at Noon celebration at The National Watch & Clock Museum! A chance to win every Saturday between now and December 17th. Visit nawcc.org for more information on this fun family event. If it’s too hard for you to stay up until midnight New Years Eve you can celebrate from 10-1pm at the National Watch & Clock Museum.
Our special guests for the KCB 10 o’clock theme party are the Valdez family of Kairos Ministries Guatemala. Learn about what it’s like at Christmas time in Guatemala and find out how you can come alongside Kairos Ministries to help the hurting families of many thousands of patients at Roosevelt Hospital in Guatemala City.
Don’t forget that YOU get to request your favorite KCB song from 11-noon. And think about what Christmas song you want to hear this weekend. We start playing Christmas music on KCB Saturday AND have chances for you to win the KCB Christmas Cd.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Let’s meet by our radios (or phones, or computers) Saturday morning at 9am.
Love & Cookies,
Lisa Landis