KCB celebrates Siblings & Pets
LISA LANDIS~ Greetings Kids Cookie Breakers! Join me for KCB this Saturday, April 9th as we celebrate National Siblings Day (Sunday, April 10) & National Pet Day (Monday, April 11). Fun songs to celebrate, plus chances to win. And meet the Weber Siblings! The Weber kids co-host the KCB 10 o’clock theme party with chances to win prizes from the KCB Cookie Jar prize stash.
YOU get to request your favorite song from 11-12noon. SO many ways to do that. You can call KCB at (717) 392-3630 starting at 11am. You can email cookie break@wjtl.com. You can click the Contact KCB button here at the KCB website. You can also leave a request at the KCB Facebook page.
Let’s hang out by our radios tomorrow at 9am. Talk with you then!
Love & Cookies~