Home > Lisa Landis, Staff Pages > KCB welcomes spring, egg hunts & SPELLING SONGS

KCB welcomes spring, egg hunts & SPELLING SONGS

March 18th, 2016

LISA LANDIS~  Happy Spring!  Spring officially arrives at 12:30 am Sunday here in the eastern US.  Listen for Cosmic Mike’s report at 11:30am for details!  KCB will celebrate spring, egg hunts, and spelling songs this weekend.  SO many FREE egg hunts are happening throughout the mid state Saturday.  Check the WJTL.COM EVENTS CALENDAR for information on where to find an egg hunt near you.

Friday night, March 18th  is the 58th LNP Spelling Bee. Registration for spellers: 5:45 p.m.; Program begins at 7 p.m., at Conestoga Valley Middle School.  KCB will celebrate with a full hour of SPELLING SONGS from 10-11am this Saturday.

KCB always brings you chances to win prizes and chances to request your favorite song (from 11-noon).

I hope you can join us for the fun this Saturday!

Talk to you then!

Love & Cookies,




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