Home > Lisa Landis, Staff Pages > KCB Saturday, May 22

KCB Saturday, May 22

May 15th, 2021

LISA LANDIS~ Welcome back Kids Cookie Breakers! Thanks for visiting KCB and I hope you had a fabulous week. This morning we check in again with Cosmic Mike at 9:30 am to find out what is happening in the night sky, more chances to win all morning, & you get to request your favorite song starting at 10:45 am this morning!

KCB is digging in the dirt as The 10 o’clock Theme party celebrates our gardens with a special conversation with Mindy of Ken’s Garden’s Intercourse, PA. Mindy is also the co-founder of Ease the Burden, partnering with local schools to teach kids community service. (because an act of kindness can change a life)! Mindy will fill us in on the Girvin’s Gardeners (Salisbury Elementary School) project with Ease the Burden.

A reminder that The Kids Cookie Break Theme Party can now be heard on Jump 105.3 Pittsburgh.  Jump 105.3 is an FM and online radio station for kids and their families.  Check out the station at Jump1053.com and yes, you can listen online too!  And you can ask Alexa to, “please enable Jump One Oh Five Three.” That gets the app installed for you. Then, any time you want to listen, ask her to “Play Jump One Oh Five Three.” It is an hour show, very much like the KCB 10 o’clock Theme Party.  Some weeks it will be the same theme as the WJTL Saturday show, and other weeks not.  The Kids Cookie Break Theme Party 7-8pm Wednesday nights on Jump 105 3 Pittsburgh AND online jump1053.com. 

Love & Cookies,

Lisa Landis



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