Home > Lisa Landis, Staff Pages > KCB salutes DAD while celebrating June Dairy Month

KCB salutes DAD while celebrating June Dairy Month

June 17th, 2016

LISA LANDIS~  Welcome back Kids Cookie Breakers.  We had a BLAST at Camp Swatara Family Camp last week! Thanks to all of you who attended our latest KCB “Pop Up Party”.  We played games, played dress up, ate cookies, colored, danced and so much more.  I was so great to make new friends and catch up with old ones.

KCB is back in the studio this Father’s Day weekend.  Get ready for a full hour of songs to “celebrate Dad”.  I found a couple of new “Dad” songs and can’t wait to share them with you!  And June is Dairy Month.  We expect a visit from the Lancaster County Dairy Princess.  She always comes prepared with “Dairy Trivia” questions and creative prizes.

As always, we let YOU program the music from 11am-noon.

Let’s meet by our radios at 9am this Saturday morning.

Love & Cookies,




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