KCB Jump 105.3 FM Pittsburgh Playlist- July 6, 2022-Story Songs
LISA LANDIS~ The Kids Cookie Break Theme Party can now be heard every Wednesday night 7-8pm on Jump 105.3 FM Pittsburgh, or online at jump1053.com. Tonight, Wednesday, July 6, at 7pm Story Songs!
I Like a Good Story- Two of a Kind
The Three Bears- Gary Rosen
Wee Willie Winkie- Steven Courtney
My Baby Elf- VeggieTales
There Was a Fox- R.F. Chikanchaser and Friends
Three Little Pigs- Jim Rule
Baby’s Got the Car Keys- Trout Fishing in America
Froggie Went a Courting- Bob Dylan
Elmer’s Electric Tricycle- Phredd
Purple People Eater- Sheb Wooley
Jennifer’s Rabbit- Tom Paxton
A Bear in the Woods- Josh Lovelace with Ben Rector
Late for School- Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers
The Gingerbread Girl- Jim Rule
Catapultanaugahikawallawallarickitikianapoodlakastanvilletown- Slugs and Bugs
Rained Out Blues- Bruce Fite
Nancy Drew- Relient K
Mahna Mahna- Mahna Mahna & The Snowths