KCB in the studio tomorrow with LOTS of chances to win
LISA LANDIS~ Hi Kids Cookie Breakers! Remember that Veggie Tale’s song, “Busy Busy I’m dreadfully Busy”? That describes KCB tomorrow! Listen in the 9am hour for two author interviews with chances to win the books. First at 9:30am Jim Petipas joins us to share his Udderly crazy book & song, “The Cows Go Moo”. Visit thecowsgomoo.com for more information on the book and to download the song. Jim was a youth pastor for many years and then went back to school to get a counseling degree and has been doing adolescent & family counseling for the past 8 years. About eight years ago his daughters encouraged me to write and illustrate a children’s book based on a song he write in high school. AND he has a partnership with Heifer International!
THEN since September is Children’s Cancer Awareness month well talk with author Kristin Barnett of the new book Watts Bugging You. This series of children’s books and products are aimed at helping parents talk through real life scenarios (cancer, bullying, adoption, disabilities, moving, etc.) with their young children (2-7 yrs. old) using faith messages, children’s language, and children’s characters (Bugs). Go to wattsbuggingyou.com for more information.
The 10 o’clock Theme Party welcomes Dorothy Dulo of Rafiki Africa with all you need to know about tomorrow’s African Festival in Binn’s Park Lancaster from 1-7pm.
YOU get to request your favorite song in the 11 o’clock hour with a visit from Mr. Shawn. He will give away copies of his new Cd and tell us all about his Cd Release Party happening tomorrow afternoon from 2-4pm at the Junction Center in the Millen Room just down the hall from he WJTL studios.
I hope you can join us for this busy busy Saturday!
Let’s meet by our radios at 9am.
Love & Cookies,
Lisa Landis